Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Importance Of Language In The World English Language Essay

The Importance Of Language In The World English Language Essay Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow.   ~Oliver Wendell Holmes. Language is a vital tool for communication. It is not only a means of communicating thoughts and ideas, but it builds friendships, economic relationships and cultural ties. We can communicate only with signs without language. More over a language distinguishes the differences and also celebrates the uniqueness of cultures in a country or in a region or in a community. A Language shapes the way people perceive the world and it also helps to define culture of any society. Any language is a gift the knowledge of more than one language makes a man more efficient and skilful in many ways. It opens our minds and guides us into a magical world of fancies and dreams. To certain the proper learning of language helps us to develop ourselves, our minds, and also our personality. Human language is unique because it is a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited for some people. Functions of Language: The three important functions of a language are as follows: Informative function: The primary function of a language is to communicate any information. This function accepts or denies assumptions such as the scientific fact or the factual statements. This function helps us to state the logical facts clearly. Expressive Function: The secondary function of a language is to convey the feelings or emotions or attitudes of somebody. We have poetry and other forms of literature in order to express our inner feelings in a better way. They evoke our feelings and also express our feelings. Directive Function: This function of language directs us to do some action. We come across directive function in requests and commands. Hence it is proved that language plays a important role in different walks of life. 1.1.2 Importance of English: English has been the considered to be the first global Lingua Franca. In todays modern world the English language has become part and parcel of every existing field. It has been an international language of communication, business, science, information technology, entertainment and so on. Earlier everyone is considered to be literate by their degrees and diplomas, but the knowledge of English language makes an individual literate in todays world. Though many countries do have English as their native language, those who have the command over the English Language are considered and respected as highly educated. Moreover they ocean of career opportunities are opened to those English speaking people anywhere and everywhere. It has become the working of English and also an inevitable requirement for a number of fields, professions such as computing and medicine. In todays world of globalization, we have to get knowledge of advanced technologies and all kinds of branches of Science. There is an urgent requirement of such a common language which can be understood by youth all over India and the language in which all data and information is available. Moreover English language becomes a store house of social and political knowledge. The most recent and the most sophisticated discoveries and inventions in science and technology are being made in the universities located in the United States of America where English language is the means of scientific discourse. The world of today needs English for some of the following reasons: Internet: Due to the rapid growth of Information Technology especially the world of internet, English Language rules users of Internet. We cannot be effective in the internet world without the English Language. It has also become the official language of the internet. The advent of online universities has now made it possible for everyone to learn English. Everyone gets access to the features of internet even across the countries. The Internet has opened up new career opportunities for every citizen of the world outside their respective countries. Internet has also plays a vital to promote and to spread the English language throughout the globe and more and more people are exposed to the English language and the English has become also the language of the internet as well. Education: The field of education has amplified the function of English Language. Most of the educational resources, materials and books are in English. The global educational systems in the universities around the world have the requirement of English Language. People those who study in abroad use English language as a medium of communication and learning. The lack of English knowledge makes anyone insufficient in the realm of education in todays world. Communication: The most important function of a language is to communicate properly. Hence English language also plays a powerful tool in communication. In order to communicate successfully, one needs a language that is commonly understood by most of the people in the speech community. For many years, English has become the common language globally understood and appreciated by nearly everyone. In other words English becomes an effective instrument to communicate with everyone around the world. Information technology uses this ability of English to function well in the field of communication by internet and emails. Travel: English is spoken around the globe next to Mandarin Chinese. It has been stated that out of the nearly six billion people living in the world today around three hundred and fifty million do speak English. It has become the International Business Language. Many countries around the world make use of English Language for the governance. The relationship among the countries around the world is enhanced by the effective communication in English. Language differs from nation to nation. When we travel around the globe, the English Language becomes the rescue factor to communicate with everyone. Business: English language has been the language of business in todays electronic world. A good number of companies have ventured into sending the production to overseas in order to cut down their costs. In other words, the companies around the world are in to outsourcing and off-shoring business. In order to communicate with the business people of other countries, English Language becomes the effective tool. It is the trading language of the world to a certain extend. A sound knowledge of English Language makes an individual to be a successful business man around the world. 1.1.3 English Language in India When the British started ruling India, they searched for educated Indian mediators who could help them to administer India. The British Government turned to high caste Indians to work for them. Many high caste Indians, especially the Brahmans and the other people of high caste worked for them. The British policy was to create an Indian class who should think like the British. It was said then in England Indians in blood and color but English in taste, in opinions and morals and intellect. The English also instituted in India universities based on English models with emphasis on English. These Indians also obtained their education in British universities. The English Christian missionaries arrived in India from 1813 and they also established schools at primary level for Indians in which the language of instruction was local language and also they taught English. After that the missionaries established high schools with English as the language of instruction which gratified the Indians who wanted to study to have a sound knowledge of English Language. The British rulers started building their universities in India from 1857. English turned to be the first language in Indian education. The modern leaders of that age in India also substantiated English language and stated it to be the main mean towards victory. Indians who knew good English were considered as the new elite of India. Many new schools were set up in which the language of instruction was English. According to the British government laws the language of instruction at university level was English and therefore schools that stressed English were chosen by ambitious Indians. Even after the independence of India, English continued to be the foremost language of India. Officially English language was given a status of an assistant language and was supposed to cease officially after 15 years of Indias independence, but it still continues to be the significant language of India. Even today the schools in India that give importance to English are considered better schools and the same is the case at university levels, even though there is a tendency towards Indianization. For a good number of students, English is their first language and it is easier for them to communicate, read and write in English than in Indian languages, including their mother tongues. In the 1970s and 1980s about one third of the Indian schools emphasized English as their first language. We do have many Indians becoming more and more famous in the English Language and in the English Literature. They have also won a good number of International awards for their knowledge and the mastery in English. One most famous among them is Arundati Roy, who won the prestigious Booker Prize for her novel The God of small things. English has become the language of the latest business management in the world and Indian proficiency in English has brought glory to many Indian business managers. English is a means not only for international commerce; it has become increasingly essential for inter-state commerce and communication. 1.1.4. First year college students and their standard of English: The first year college students of India especially of Tamilnadu come from different medium of higher secondary such as English, Angelo Indian, Tamil, State Board, CBSE and other vernacular medium. Invariably the standard of the English of these students vary significantly. Most of them jump into the college life suddenly without having sufficient knowledge of English language. Though there have been English as a subject in the educational system for nearly ten years in the school life, their knowledge of English is very poor and insufficient. They do struggle in many ways to cope up with the College studies and they are disappointed. Many of them feel inferior and also do not put any effort to improve their standard of English language. Only very few of them come out of their nest and shed their tears to learn and to improve English. The causes for this condition of the students vary from individual to individual. Every student with insufficient knowledge of English so many things t o share about it. Hence this study about the first year college going to students of Tamilnadu with a special reference to their standard of English, attempts to explore the hidden and unsolved problems in a significant manner. 1.1.5 Reasons for choosing this topic for my research? After interacting and relating with the first college students all over Tamilnadu, I do feel and understand the struggles they undergo with regard English Language. Most of the subjects are in English and also the medium of instruction is English. They become inferior and also they do not find the way to improve their standard of English in order to cope up with the new academic life. Hence I have made this study to help them out in my own way. 1.1.6 Aim of My Study My study thus attempts to render solutions to the problems faced by the students with special reference to English Language learning and communication. Though this study will not remove all the hurdles faced by the first year college going students, it will create an awareness to improve their standard. My study will also uncover all the hidden problems of them and show the reality without any prejudice. As future teachers and professors, we will understand our students in a better and help them out to walk towards the path of success.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Black Family Essay

Visual media†¦ â€Å"The Coconuts† series on Afrotainment†¦ (South Africa)†¦Giving Blacks a false sense of who they’re meant to be. H. Games†¦video†¦board games†¦Quiet blacks with games, video, board games and try to impose responsibilities and the idea of working hard after given them all the freedom. I. Memory replacement†¦ when whites lift Blacks’ memories and replace them with a white identity. II. A. Black African†¦ A term that was/is seen as offensive, and characterized by grim or grotesque satire B. Dictionary definitions†¦ something bad, dirty, soiled, sinister, evil, etc†¦ C. Evidence of negative identity†¦ if you don’t speak of your race you will be fully accepted in the white world. D. Definition of â€Å"beauty†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ It’s all dependent on what the media/culture portrays as beauty. E. Silence towards Black identity†¦renders rewards†¦ rewarding by white community because you’re being submissive and the silence is shown as a symbol of equality. F. Current â€Å"New Face of Africa† series on Afrotainment†¦ Halle Berry, Tyra Banks Mr. Valerie, L. C Bolanga, Tofjne G. Self-mutilation†¦bleaching†¦ tattoos†¦ Blacks are the highest consumers who use these products in order to mold themselves into what the media portrays as beautiful. H. Kenneth Clark’s â€Å"doll test†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Black children were shown black and white dolls and asked a series of question pertaining to images. They picked the white dolls to describe pretty, smart, and the one they liked most. I. â€Å"Africans in Denial Syndrome†¦class discussion by Dr. King†¦ Africans denying their origins. J. African Symbols†¦ Kojo- Heavenly and all knowing. K. Corruption in and outside of Africa†¦ Foreign countries passing laws banning cultural habits in societies. L. African adornment†¦Kenyan Parliament†¦ No longer allowed to wear their attire. M. Devaluing â€Å"Culture†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Not recognizing African culture because most blacks don’t even identify themselves as Africans. N. Assimilation versus Absorption†¦Assimilation involves the integration of people’s identity into a different culture whereas absorption refers to taking in the culture and doing as those in the different culture do while retaining your own identity/culture. O. Pan-Africanism†¦ is the highest form of resistance to slavery. P. The â€Å"best† of what it means to be an African†¦is being the descendants of kings and queen. III.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Topics Examples That Only a Few People Know Exist

Uncommon Article Gives You the Facts on Topics Examples That Only a Few People Know Exist What You Don't Know About Topics Examples Whenever you have known the attributes of very good thesis topics, you are now able to go ahead to decide on a topic. When you're interested in the subject, you might want to learn about it and it will not bore you when you're studying the topic. Well, if you're not assigned with a precise subject, it's possible to freely choose it. You could opt to pick a topic that you're acquainted with or one that is much easier to study. Maintaining some type of journal can be useful in tracking your ideas for topics. While searching for a topic, don't forget your thesis should try to fix a real issue and should contain solid theoretical work, in addition to empirical outcomes. Another attribute of fantastic essay topics is they must be topics you're competent to deal with. An essay about caring for patients will supply you with skills about how to deal with unique patients and the way to meet patient requirements. It is tough to choose a nursing issue that's both interesting and simple to research. Make sure that you select a nursing topics that interest you and one that you're passionate about. In the event the students are confronting any issue with the grammar rules, then they need to get a grammar guide or try some part-time on-line grammar classes. Using Topics Examples A topic sentence is typically the very first sentence of the paragraph, not the previous sentence of the prior paragraph. You might also see speech examples. You can also see orientation speech. You might also informative speech. The Topics Examples Chronicles Business account management is essential for the successful run of any company. It's possible for you to choose a particular niche and discover a problem that has not yet been addressed in the niche by any preceding researchers. It's thus important consider the particular areas which you would love to find out more about, and then narrow it down to a particular matter. Thesis topics should be easily manageable given factors like your geographic region and the resources and facilities that are available to you. You are needed to write a minumum of one research paper in a semester for most the subjects. Building understanding You must have an excellent comprehension of research and you can take advantage of it. It is possible to also apply a new methodology in studying a subject that's been studied widely before. In your dissertation you might do research on the value of estate planning once it comes to personal finance. Where to Find Topics Examples What you research, and the way you write about it is going to also change based on your initial topic idea. While you might not have a topic in mind on what things to write about, doing some research can allow you to get some ideas. You're not likely to work out your Ph.D. topic in the very first year. You would like a thesis topic that will hook the interest of others, in addition to maintain your own attention. Inventing an intriguing topic that will allow you to write a prosperous finance paper isn't always uncomplicated. You must look at the ideas that will shape the essay and their availability, you've got to inspect the chance of the project being completed and ways to do the undertaking. It is clear that you may not discover any entirely new idea that has not yet been studied before in the discipline. Make the usage of the suggested research paper topic ideas and you'll be prosperous. The Little-Known Secrets to Topics Examples The kind of the essay needs to be decided before formulating the thesis and writing thesis statement being they need to match the kind of the attempt. The introductory area of the essay should include a strong thesis statement that outlines the principal thoughts and arguments of your essay. Thus you begin your thesis from aresearch hypothesis about the way that it ought to be addressed. A thesis produces a particular statement to the reader what you are going to be attempting to argue. You will likely discover that the former thesis isn't the exact same as the one you're considering after all. Your thesis is an enormous paper that you'll be requested to write. Like every fantastic book, even only a thesis has to have an introduction. Thesis examples will steer you through the practice of writing. So allow it to be sure that you select a topic and begin writing your Thesis Introduction punctually. Quite simply, essay topics have to be novel and original. The Lost Secret of Topics Examples These topics will be able to help you create a high-quality research proposal. There are several topics for a thesis, the chances are almost endless! Thus, the next dissertation topics may end up being rewarding and challenging for the students. Picking the absolute best di ssertation topics for your distinct assignment is often too hard to do alone. There isn't any way it is possible to take an MBA thesis in finance for granted because it's an essential requirement in order to acquire an MBA degree. One of the most frequent questions I get asked is the way to decide on a thesis topic or research undertaking. A great deal of nursing dissertation topics may also be searched on the net, where nursing students may check a variety of sites for picking out the finest dissertation topics. There's simply such an enormous collection of great thesis topics. The Hidden Truth on Topics Examples There are publications and books that provide different ideas, but the important thing is finding the perfect book based on your requirements. It's highly recommended that you just select the topic that you're able to deal with, for instance, if you're not t sketching the personality characteristics then you ought to better not elect for it. The goal is to monitor any outbreaks and protect against such future happenings. The chapter includes 3 parts.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Analysis Of Persepolis The Story Of A Childhood By...

In light of the analysis of the graphic novel of Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi, it is clear that events portrayed in the novel represent the tribulations and tragedies that various citizens of Iran experienced upon the downfall of Reza Shah, the Islamic Revolution, and the Iran-Iraq War. In terms of plot, the story is told through the memoirs of upper middle class Tehran female citizen, Marjane Satrapi aka â€Å"Marji†, as she recounts her perceptions and views of the overthrow of the Shah’s regime, the success of the Islamic Revolution, and the devastating effects of the war with Iraq in relation to her transitioning beliefs on matters and how they affected loved ones. Each of these events showcased an extensive change in reform and Iran cultural values which shaped what views, lifestyles, and choices were supported and vilified by the masses. Furthermore, the story showcases the influences that foreign powers such the United States and Iraq p ermeated into Iran society along with the changing reception of foreign actions and ideologies throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The novel also displayed the issues related to male and female expectations of behavior in response to regime changes and cultural values during the transitions. The author subtly makes the point in her past recollections and her views on the events that transpired that the people of Iran were distinctly divided in terms of what ideology was supported. She also made a point to affirm thatShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Complete Persepolis 2283 Words   |  10 Pagesform of freedom.† In The Complete Persepolis, it is clearly seen that when a standard is set for women’s attire, restrictions of other freedoms come along with it. Throughout the book, the author, Marjane Satrapi, recounts her life in Iran after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, and the difficulties she encountered. She struggled with restricted freedoms, strict religious ru le, and a sense of statelessness. In the opening illustrations, she describes her childhood and her transition from a secularRead MoreThe Complete Persepolis By Marjane Satrapi2268 Words   |  10 Pages Review of Literature While I will pull from other sources, the main focus of this paper will be The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. Throughout this graphic novel, Satrapi tells her life story and what it was like growing up in Iran. In the opening illustrations, she describes her childhood and her transition from a secular school to one that was religious and separated by gender. At this time it had become law for a woman to wear the veil, or head scarf when in public. Iran transitionedRead MoreMemories And The Formation Of Reality1666 Words   |  7 PagesIn cinema, flashbacks are interruptions that take the narrative back in time from the current point in the story. They are often used to provide background and context to recount current events of a narrative filling in crucial backstories. In its basic form, the flashback is introduced when a presented image dissolves to another image of the past, which can be either as â€Å"a story-being-told or a subjective memory.† (Turim) For e xample, dream sequences and memories are methods used to present flashbacksRead MoreMemories And The Formation Of Reality1688 Words   |  7 PagesIn film, flashbacks are interruptions that take the narrative back in time from the current point in the story. They are often used to provide background and context to recount current events of a narrative filling in crucial backstories. In its basic form, the flashback is introduced when a presented image dissolves to another image of the past, which can be either as â€Å"a story-being-told or a subjective memory.† (Turim, pg. 1) For example, dream sequences and memories are methods used to presentRead MoreLiterary Criticism : The Free Encyclopedia 7351 Words   |  30 Pagesnavigation, search In literary criticism, a Bildungsroman (German pronunciation: [ˈbÉ ªldÊŠÅ‹s.Ê oËÅ'maË n]; German: novel of formation, education, culture),[a] novel of formation, novel of education,[2] or coming-of-age story (though it may also be known as a subset of the coming-of-age story) is a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood (coming of age),[3] in which character change is extremely important.[4][5] Contents [hide] 1